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Hack a Facebook Account withPhishing (Most Used Way)


It is a way used by hackers to steal sensitive information like Username, Password, Bank Detail etc. by creating a fake login page. In Phishing, a hacker creates a fake Login Page which exactly looks like original one. But, in reality it is just a perfect replicaof original one and when an user input his/her details on that page, it automatically sends the detail to hacker.

Now, I am going to show how to create a Phishing page for Facebook.

Step 1-

Open your web browser and gotoFacebook.

Step 2-

On the Home Page of Facebook, Right Click anywhere.

Step 3-

Select the optionView Page Sourceto view the HTML codeused to design the web page.

Step 4-

A new window will be opened now containing source code. Press Ctrl+A to select all and then Ctrl+C to copy it.

Step 5-

Now, open a new Notepad window and press Ctrl+V to paste the source code.

Step 6-

After that, we need to now make some changes in the notepad so that we can get theemail id and password of user. Press Ctrl+F to find and in search box typeactionto search.

Step 7-

Replace as shown in image.

Step 8-

You have almost done it. Now, save the notepad file as index.html.

Step 9-


Step 10-

So, now you have two files- index.html and post.php .You need to upload both files on Inernet. You can use Web Hosting Services (which supports PHP) like000 Web Host,My 3Gb,Hostinger.Create an account on any of the site. Go toFile Managerand openPublic.htmlfolder. In the folder, upload both files.

Step 11-

Once uploaded, click onindex.htmlto open it in a new tab. Note down the web address of page. Provide this link to others, ask them to use the link to open Facebook (use Social Engineering here). If anyuser will Log In using your page, a small .txt file will be automatically generated in the folder containing user's Email id and Password.

The tutorial provided here is for the educational purpose only. Apply the method/tutorial/trick at your own risk. Amazing Hacking Tricks and ALKR will not be responsible for the harm caused by User's action in any way.

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